A General Logic for Sudoku

Monster #224 from list 1465



This is part of a set-logic solution to monster puzzle #224 from the 1465 list. The original solution to the puzzle (by ttt) was presented here. The elimination logic has the form:


rank N(n sets+ m linksets), [ cover set list ]x[ cover linkset list ] reason for elimination => results


For more information on notation and set logic eliminations, see quick reference. For a full description of sets and Sudoku set logic, see the SudokuOne.com website. The entire set logic solution is here.


Elimination 2, ALS Chain  



This elimination works like a simple chain where one link is replaced by an ALS made of the two cell sets. Column set 2c3 overlaps cell linkset 3n3 to eliminate the candidate. The set logic notation is:

Rank 1(4+5), [9r3 2r7 16n2]x[129c2 2c3 3n3] 2c2*3n3 => r3c3<>2