A General Logic for Sudoku

Golden Nugget



Elimination 67





Elimination 67 is the final breakup of Golden Nugget's logic. The assignment of one candidate causes a multiple loop avalanche of eliminations and assignments.  Above, two-dimensional grid diagram. Below three-dimensional view.





Set Logic and Grid


E67a 28 Nodes, Rank -13:

     19 Sets = {26r3 8r5 6r7 3r9 6c1 34c2 689c4 3c7 34n2 1n4 8n8 5n9 3b56}

     6 Links = {3r56 9r8 8c8 3n14}

         [6C4*1N4] => [8C4*1N4] => r1c4=8, [2R3] => [6R3*6C1] => r3c1=6,

         [4C2*3N2] => r3c2=4, [6R3*3N2] => [2R3] => r3c4=2, [9C4] =>

         [3C2*4N2] => r4c2=3, [4C2*4N2] => [8R5*8C4] => [8R5] => [5N9*3B6]

          => [8R5*5N9] => r5c9=8,



  | 7     5     1     | (68)  24    68    | 24    3     9     |

  | 89    89    24    | 3     7     1     | 24    6     5     |

  | (26)  (46)  3     | (29)  5     49    | 8     17    1     |


  | 235   (34)  8     | 15    9     7     | 15(3) 24    6     |

  | 359   7     46    | 15(8) 16(3) 2     | 59(3) 149(8 (38)  |

  | 1     69(3) 256   | 4     6(3)  68    | 59(3) 278   8     |


  | 3(6)  1     9     | 2(6)  8     34    | 7     5     24    |

  | 358   2     7     | 1(9)  14    359   | 6     (89)  348   |

  | 4     68(3) 56    | 7     26    59    | 19(3) 189   28(3) |



Logic Diagram